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Three different qualities for environmental protection – so passes IBW ihr Gasangebot and
From January 1, 2025, the new energy source of the Wohler IBW has been changed with «basic», «zero» and «green». The prices are new to the calendar, and the knowledge and skills that can reduce the CO discount2-Emission flexible emissions, teilt die IBW mit.
The Wohler IBW will be broadcast on January 1, 2025. A family home with an annual consumption of 20,000 kilowatts of power costs 855 Francs or an amount of 22.8 percent. Grund für lower premiums see the market tentwicklung of declines Monate anyway the new, voausschauende Beschaffungsstrategy of the energy sub-humans, heisst est in a middle class.
The gas supply to the IBW was no longer carried out, but also climate-friendly. “Wir has completed our product”, with Peter Lehmann, Vorsitzender of the IBW-Geschäftsleitung, zitiert.
“IBW-Gas is known in the three qualities ‘basic’, ‘zero’ and ‘green’ to be stable – with sufficient energy and durability, so that the Möglichkeit, as well as with a gas-friendly approach to climate protection, can be achieved,” Lehmann continues. Im Standard product IBW-Gas «basic» with 6 Prozent Biogas and 10 Prozent CO2-Compensation enthalten.
With the new Angebot, the IBW man is helped to exclude the political Rahmenbedingungen-rechnung. “The climate protection law envisaged a net-zero reduction in gas emissions until 2050,” says Peter Lehmann. Thanks to a laufende Verbesserung der Ökobilanz und der Compensation von CO2-Emissions were IBW-Gas «basic» until 2050 CO2-neutral signal.
We will tell you more about the environment, whether IBW Gas is “zero” or “green”. Both became “zero” CO2-Emissions from gas consumption are fully compensated by the Kauf von Zertifikaten. “With the Einnahmen beanerkannte Klimaschutzmassnahmen im In- en Ausland finanziert,” writes the IBW. The additional costs are paid from 20,000 Kilowattstunden Gas per Jahr gegenüber «basic» 90 Francs.
With IBW-Gas «green» there may be the possibility of creating a flexible gas (biogas). “Bereits mit anteil von 20 Prozent sind die Vorgaben des cantonalen Energiegesetzes erüllt,” paints Peter Lehmann. If you put 20 steps “green” in a 1:1 version of an accelerator pedal, you can get an impression of “basic” of 136 Francs.
Ensure flexible CO reduction2-The emissions from the new IBW gas tank do not exceed those of the emissions. The Gaspreise gilts are new to the common calendar, and the bisherigen graduated Gaspreise fall. “We are very happy to be able to do this with our knowledge and experience with modern, transparent and environmentally friendly gas solutions,” says Lehmann calmly. (az)
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